Sunday, about 2 hours after we landed, the orphanage director and his assistant brought Camryn to us in our room. They called first from the lobby and we could already hear her crying. She was so upset! When they brought her in she was sobbing. She is beautiful and much taller than we expected! She has lots of hair, big eyes, long legs and fingers. Shirley and the director tried to talk over her crying and told us (really John, because I was walking around with Camryn trying to calm her down) about her feeding schedule etc. Shirely asked about formula and if we needed anything. She went to the store to buy water, Chinese baby formula and rice cereal for Camryn and Pizza for us because we hadn't had time to change any money.Three hours of Camryn crying and me rocking her later Camryn fell asleep on my shoulder. We were exhausted. Mom, Sydni and Dalton had crashed earlier in their room. Mostly restful sleep as Camryn stuck to her schedule and only woke up once at 4:30 AM for a bottle.